Learn to write ChatGPT prompts in 2 hours!
May 3, 2023

ChatGPT prompt engineering mastermind: debate preparation prompt, travel guide, business research

Mastermind on ChatGPT and prompt engineering for the US timezones.

Prompts we worked on:
- Debate preparation prompt
- Travel guide prompt
- Business research prompts
- Prompt generator for content generation
- Recipe builder
Text of all the prompts is below.

Topics and techniques discussed:
- role playing
- step by step
- temperature
- and more!

If you want to up your game selling on PromptBase, here is the analysis of all text-output prompts: https://gregschwartz.gumroad.com/l/prompt-engineers-promptbase-analysis-gpt Use coupon code "podcast" for 10% off!

Feedback form to improve the mastermind: https://www.PromptEngineeringPodcast.com/e6

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Here is the text of all the prompts:

Debate prompt: 

Your task is to act as a debater1 and debater 2. You will be given a topic and Debater 1 will have to persuade debater2 and vice versa. You have to present valid arguments and reflect on them. Your goal is to achieve a bias-free understanding of the topic and an agreement,

Travel guide prompt:

You will assume the role of an experienced travel tour guide specializing in Turkey, specifically Istanbul and Kas. I need you to plan a detailed itinerary of my trip. The first 5 days will be in Kas and the last 5 will be in Istanbul. The first day we are flying in we do not want to plan anything as well as the last day we are flying out. I need you to plan what airport we should fly into from Houston, TX and fly out of back to Houston, TX. We need to arrive into Kas on May 4th and leave Istanbul on May 14th. You need to plan every aspect of my trip, including traveling from airport to hotel, hotel to destinations and back again. You will also need to include restaurants recommended to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner. For activities in Kas, we are interested in water activities, adventure activities, hiking, and relaxation/spa type activities. For activities in Istanbul, we are interested in historical sites, museums, bazaars, cafes and nice neighborhoods. For every day, list at least 4 activities, describing them in fine detail of at least 2 sentences/activity. Then please provide at least 3 concrete details about where to go for the activity and how to prepare for it No one day should have activities that will go past 5 PM.

Business research prompts (these are multiple prompts to potentially run one after the other!)

1.) I am the CEO of a startup creating automations for SME's. Describe the problem that this product solves.

2.) Describe 20 possible customer segments for automation for SME's and separate them into B2C and B2B 10 each.

3.) What kind of [products/services] do my competitors offer and how do they compare to [my product/service]?

4.) What is the TAM for an automation company targeting SME's in Upstate New York

5.) Imagine [10] revenue models for such a business.

6.) Imagine [10] sales channels for such a company.

7.) Imagine the cost structure of such a company.

Prompt generator for content generation

In this exercise, you are all knowing, wise, funny, curious, tremendously creative and a master of psychology, demographics, business, consumer behavior, economics, product development and content strategy. Through a series of questions that you will create for the user, you will uncover information that will be used for a table called the Multidisciplinary Variable Feedback Prompt Matrix. The purpose of the table is to produce the best, most creative, most search engine optimized content imaginable. You will uncover everything you need to know by asking the user about 1. The idea, product or service they are offering; 2. The intended audience for this idea, product or service; 3. The level of sophistication that this user has in terms of grade level, e.g. general audience, school aged, specialist and so forth; 4. The intended age group, i.e. school aged, 20 to 30, 40 to 50, 50 to 60 or a combination of ages or general audience.; 5. The intelligence type of the user, giving examples of Howard Gardner’s intelligence types and whether there is a specific type of end user or if it’s a general or variable type. Here, you will ask the user what type of intelligence their audience typically has and then explain each of Howard Gardner’s 8 or 9 intelligence types. 6. Style of writing they want to use, e.g. funny, casual, authoritative, friendly or some combination thereof; 7. The intention of the piece, e.g. to get the user to buy something, get on the email list, click for more information, sign up for a meeting, appointment, etc.; 8. Special information about the idea, product or service they want to have included; 9. Information about pictures or graphics they want to have included and whether or not they need advice on that or if they already have what they need; 10. Format, i.e. do they want short bits of information for a website and headlines or taglines for each section? Do they want one continuous scroll of information? Do they want 1 page, 5 pages or do they not really care? Do they want an entire website constructed or is this for a social media post? 11. Finally, find out from the user if they would like to use some form of “user-centered” content or not. You will need to, first, tell them what this means in case they do not know. You will ask these questions and collect the information one at a time. Wait for the response before moving on to the next question, giving the person time to answer the question. From this information that the user gives you, you will first generate the top 50 SEO keywords for their content. Then, you will generate the perfect prompt for them to use on ChatGPT to create 10 Facebook posts and 10 YouTube videos with the perfect content for their project. You will also create a table that stores this information for future use. 

Recipe builder
I have sweet potatoes and frozen chicken breast, and guacamole. What is a recipe I could make, and how long would it take?


Who was the person who submitted the debater? The debater was Michael. Is Michael here? Michael, try raising your hand yeah. I just wanted to put any topic in that I don't know it's totally fine. I've actually run across someone there may have been a high school or a college student, but who is using cha e p t for debate practice. So here's my side. Give me the other side, tell me the problems so then I can come up with how to defend against them. So I think this is a great prompt. What topic do you want to have j chat, t p t do some debate prep for? Could be anything. If a prompt the topic would be does prompt engineering make sense for Lang a large language models? Okay, cool. I also saw someone had pineapple pizza, yes or no in the chat. So I, I appreciate the absurdity everyone is putting down. Does prompt engineering make sense? Can't spell make sense for large language. Models. And I got some feedback that there are some blind listeners in the audience so I just wanna read off the prompt really quick. Your task is to act as a debater one. In debater two, you'll be given a topic debater one will have to persuade Debater two and vice versa. You have to present valid arguments and reflect on them. Notice the use of reflection. Your goal is to achieve a bias-free understanding of the topic and an agreement. Cool. Okay. So it started, it gave a ˜somewhat meandering, response. It's particularly talking about prompt engineering mitigates ethical concerns, and that doesn't really make a lot of sense. Then Debater two comes back with actually that's, nope, that doesn't make any sense either. Prompt engineering can lead to overfitting also. No, that's not something that happens in this stage. Is there anything useful out of this? Okay, this point right here, prompt engineering is not intended to replace more advanced AI tech. It's to complement it, you how this, oh, by using a combination of prompt engineering and other techniques, we can develop more powerful and robust AI systems. That's a good point. It's pretty much the only good point. But hey so one thing I would say is I would probably, actually I don't need to rerun this in a separate one. Please present a brand new set of arguments focusing on what's the right way to say this? Avoiding discussions of overfitting and what was the other one that it was just BSing us on? Yeah, mini and that and prompt engineering reducing complexity is, okay. So you know what? I'll just say avoid discussions over fitting and focusing on how do I say this? Best uses of a prompt engineers skills. See if that comes up with anything useful. Jason is asking, you're in 3.5? Yes, I am in 3.5 because if I use four, this will be a very short mastermind cuz we'll only be able to do I think it's 20 now or maybe 25. Cycles props. So yeah I'm using three, five. I also using three five because that's what most people have access to in the a p I. Obviously, I and other people have access to 4.0 just in the chat, but not in the a p i. That's much rarer. Okay. Wait where did I, oh, there it is. Okay. So better? A little better. Okay. What is, what does Debater two say? Why it's bad Debater two point is just that it's not better than building a better system. Okay. I feel like that's getting to your point, Michael, of how do we find the good and find the bad in a debate prep tool. Let's see. Oh yeah, the travel guide one. Okay. This is a long one. So I am not going to read all of this, but Zeeshan, let's see if I can find you in the chat and unmute you. Okay, Zeeshan, you should be unmuted. Hey Greg, how you doing? Good. Nice to hear from you again. Alright. So we have a ton of stuff. This is having never visited Turkey. I have no idea if any of this is accurate, but it at least looks good. Yeah. So this is actually based on something I was actually trying to do. Cause I'm actually gonna be doing this trip. Oh, okay. Yeah. So I thought when I had put it in, it did a pretty good job. But the one thing I was hoping to get more from it was like specific things. So for example, if you look at day two, it says, do a boat tour. Who, is there a company they can recommend, or or a specific kind of organization to go through. Or for example, hiking in the nearby mountains. That's not as the script as I would hope, especially if somebody going to a foreign country. Like I need, like it spelled out as simply as possible. So I'm not sure what else I could do to maybe to refine this. Yeah. Okay. So let me pause for one second. Amanda said, could you please throw the prompt into the chat and I will do that. It is in there. Okay, so we want, it sounds like what you're looking for partly G P T cannot provide, which is tell me exact company names, give me their website, gimme their phone number, whatever. But if it could at least tell us some details of, where to go hiking, what to do, hiking, that kind of thing. Sorry, one quick question. Why wouldn't it be able to tell me specific like companies? Because if I were to go on like Yelp or like some of these review sites or whatever, like you can pull it up through Google. So why wouldn't chat G B T be able to do that? Because chat PT isn't connected to Google. It mostly, as far as I know, did not do indexing on deep links. So like Yelp, it would not have indexed Wikipedia, it would've indexed, oh if we were using Bard, which I'm by no means promoting, but just as an example, if we were using Bard, it would be able to do that. Sorry. And same thing for Microsoft bing Bing in theory should be able to do the same thing, and that's actually something I've been wanting to experiment with, probably won't today. Let me start the 10 minute timer before I get distracted. Okay. So let's work in some requests for detail here. Your experience, travel guide, specializing in Turkey, need you to plan a detailed itinerary First. Five days are here. Second. Okay. Is there, yeah, this is what I'm looking for. You need to plan every aspect of my trip, including travel from hotel to destinations and back again. You'll need to, you'll also need to include restaurants recommended to eat and for activities. We are interested in these things. Okay, so then that's perfect right there. For all activities, please provide, how many was it providing? It's providing. Looks like one activity per day. Two, sometimes. Okay. So for all activities, please provide at least three concrete details. And I don't know if this language is gonna work, that's why I'm running it in another screen. About where the where to go for the activity and how to do it, how to, what's the right way to say this? Where to go for it and let's just say what to bring. That'll be a little bit easier. Or how to prepare for a ma or, yes, that's what I'm trying to say. Thank you. All right. So let's just run this and see how it does. Okay. Yeah. So it's, gimme more detail. It's like providing names of places. Yeah. So that's what's helpful. I don't know how to pronounce this, but k a s diving, book a trip with them. Go to a specific beach for sp swimming. It's not including anything like you're gonna need sunscreen and a towel. And again, I don't know what else, but for these things, but, oh, okay. Wear comfortable shoes and clothes for the hike that's getting there. All right. So by the way, the reason I'm, I have this open in two different windows is twofold. Number one, I want you to be able to see the sort of before and after, and I'm just gonna keep bouncing back and forth. But number two, if I ask it, okay, now tell me blank, that is a good way to get the information, but it's a bad way to make a prompt because then you have to try and figure out, how do I mush these two prompts of, do this stuff now, tell me more together. That said, prompt chaining is a thing that I am doing a bunch of exploration with and frankly, it's come up a bunch on Reddit posts I think it was Lee that I interviewed who was using prompt chaining to do "is this a question that my AI can answer?" If yes, answer it. But if no, don't try and answer it cuz then the AI just starts going crazy and instead just say "I'm sorry Dave, that's not a question I can answer. Sorry." So that's a helpful error checking thing. I just saw in the chat closing out the debate thing one keyword that may help is to specify the debaters need to take opposite and opposing viewpoints. Thank you, Jason. I think it was doing that, but I think it might have helped to call that out. Good point. And then Eric said by putting in location you're staying and the activity, you can then ask for how much is the transport and some of that stuff. That is a good point. I want to focus a little more actually. No. Zeeshan, this is your prompt. What would you like to focus more on? Would you like more tell me the details of, you need to bring, I don't know, sunscreen, or are you feeling more like you want some more breadth: give me more ideas per day? I think probably more ideas per day. I'm not too worried about what to bring. The more more idea to be helpful. One thing I wanna show, I'm not gonna use it because it doesn't do what I am wanting for you all to be able to see the sort of changes, but if you click this edit button, you can make changes and let's just arbitrarily say no, no day should go past now 7:00 PM and then it'll give this little threading, sorry, threading interface right here so I can use this to go back to the previous version of the prompt. The problem is that for you all on the screen share, you then can't see it at the same time. Like you can only see, here's this version where it's 7:00 PM Let me scroll up now it's 5:00 PM and I want you to be able to see the progression over time. And so does that save as one thing in the, the left window? Paint it. Save. Okay. Yeah. Yeah, it's I'm keeping it out of the view, but it's still just the first turkey itinerary. This other one is this window. Sorry. Yeah, this window right here. Gotcha. All right, so we're gonna come back over here, going to paste the exact same prompt, make sure that I actually got it correct. All right. And you said more ideas for activities. Okay. So for all, so for every day list, at least five let's go with four cuz it'll probably break it up evenly activities and then provide the concrete details about them and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. All right. Ooh, it's not listening. Oh. Actually no, I take it back. It is listening. Okay. So I'm gonna ignore the checkout of the hotels, but it's giving me scenic, hike, stunning views of the Mediterranean. That's not really an activity, but Okay. Stop for lunch. In the afternoon, explore the ancient ruins of the Lian City of Fellows. I'm hoping I'm pronouncing that right. And then recommended restaurant for dinner. Eh, it's, that's not quite enough, but we're getting there. So I think let's open another tab over here so we can just keep bouncing back and forth. And that's not the updated version. I need the updated version. Updated version is here. And three concrete details about it. These details for each activity should be at least two sentences. So length guidelines are a thing that can help sometimes it backfires it, like Yeah, exactly the way I was worried it would, yeah. So what it's doing is it's taking the, at least two sentences to be the day instead of each activity. So let's I'm not even gonna keep this visible. Let's just try that one more time and rephrase this as let's see. For each day, list at least four activities describing them in fine detail. Of at least two sentences per activity, then oops. Then please provide at least three concrete details about it. Laba. All right, let's see if that works. Ooh, it's not liking that. Nope, it's not liking that at all. Okay, so I'm gonna try a bit of a different thing here. We're gonna try some shot prompting. So just as a reminder, shot prompting is explaining what you want by providing some number of examples. To be clear, zero examples is a way of doing, it's called zero shot prompting. But in this case, I'm gonna go for one. And I'm going to go back to where I liked the output. So let's find one that was on the longer side here. Yeah, so let's do this one and then we're gonna say example output. And there's a bunch of ways of doing the shot prompting. Totally. Totally varies. But we're just gonna do this day two, that's, and by the way, including these bullets, hopefully will cause it to start doing the bulleting again. Cause that was really nice. And then what was the other one? No, that's the one I just copy and pasted. That was good. And it doesn't actually matter if, as much if these things go together. Although they are, because they're both in the same location. Great. Alright. Now, how would you do zero shot prompting? So zero shot is what we've actually been doing. We haven't been providing an example. All right. Let's see if this works as intended better. Okay. Still not getting the sentence length. Interesting. So this is something I've noticed with chat, t p t and other things. It sometimes just gets very fixated on not responding the way that you want it to. So honestly, I'm gonna have it I'm gonna make a new tab. This is silly and weird, but this I think will work. And that's the 10 minute timer. All right, I'm gonna do one more minute on this cause I wanna see if this actually works. Rewrite these rewrite this itinerary. Ooh, can't spell that. All right. Travel schedule with three sentences per bullet. Because honestly I just don't feel like actually doing it. Ooh, wow. It refused. Oh, that's so interesting. This is a great example of when I'm gonna do edit because I don't actually really for each bullet. You gonna take that? Maybe not. Oh no, it actually provided an example of a company that I could go with, so that's really helpful. Yeah, I don't know if it's I don't know if it's real, that, that would be a great example actually of why you have to be careful with this kind of thing cuz hallucinations are very common. But just cuz I'm curious, yes, they exist. I would check and make sure they still exist after the pandemic, but they at least existed at one point, cool. Alright, so since that was the timer, I'm gonna move on. What I was trying to do was get chat g p t to write longer so that I could then plug that in as my one shot example, because what keeps happening is I'm feeding it two sentences, telling it that I want it to produce more than two sentences and it's basically being like, oh, I'm gonna listen to your example more than your command: no. All right. Let's see here. You're welcome. Got a next one. I only see one Eric, so I'm hoping this is the right. Eric, I'm un unmuting you. If you are not doing Eric that just submitted this. Yeah. Just CEO of a startup. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Thanks for hosting this, by the way. You are welcome. I have a lot of fun doing these. And I will put it in the chat. It has requested. Hang on. There we go. All right. So here is your prompt and tell us about what the output is that you were looking for. Oh boy, that's some weird output. But anyway, go ahead. I just gave an example if you like, they have five, or actually six different ideas there. And basically I'm just interested in business research. Oh, got it. Okay. In general. And I just think because the amount of time you can research different ideas using Google in the past or you would really need to aggregate all the data points. And like you said, chat BC has a lot of hallucinations. You can't take it a hundred percent, but the amount of like research you can do compared to what you were able to do four months ago, five months ago is just like amazing, right? You can really get ideas, experiment with them, look at competitors in like seconds. So I just wanted to bring that up. I didn't know if anybody else is, experimenting with those kind of ideas or have played around with it. But the the business idea, business solutions analyzing competitors all that stuff I think is super interesting and I think it's just gonna get further along. This is just like the first we're seeing. Oh yeah. I've already research and like ahead business research. Sorry. Yeah, I've already seen I don't remember the name and actually, I'm not sure I'm allowed to say the name, but I have seen someone who was working on a plugin that pulled in s e m Rush, which is a social media marketing optimization tool. Mouthful into chat G P T as a, an official plugin as a few others as well. So yeah, there's definitely a lot of interest in this. Okay, so rereading, actually these are actually different prompts. Okay. It was just like if you played it through from top to bottom, just to see how, how chat two b t would got it. Yeah. Okay. So let me just throw in one at a time and then, okay. This is interesting. Not, I don't know enough about this area. So would you say this is a reasonable response or is this kind of a reason? Yeah, if you want to just for like phone, we can just make up an idea. But I was just, just Sure. Bring, this is just something I thought of, but whatever you wanna do. Yeah. Or we can roll with this, but yeah, that sounds, that actually seems pretty like on point. Okay, cool. So you wanna go onto the second prompt then the customer segments? I think it was, yeah, there we go. Oh, and I see in the chat someone saying you don't need to read it all loud. The reason I'm reading it aloud again, is for the people who are listening because they're not able to see the screen either because they are blind or they are driving or whatever the case may be. Sorry if it slows things down a little bit, but I wanna try and make it accessible to everybody. So basically the idea is, how can you bring automation to smaller businesses, right? Small medium enterprises. So now we're saying, business to customers or business to business. And I just think it's just spits out 10 ideas for both, right? Which I think is obviously you can think some of these are things in your own, but yeah, just the speed of ideas is just what blows me away. So I think what tends to be more interesting about this kind of thing is I don't know, I'm just gonna pick out law firms arbitrarily cuz my dad's a lawyer. Tell me more about the possibilities for law firms and then let it run. And I'm not a lawyer so I, I can't be like, seven's totally wrong, but like being able to do this iterative narrow down now, generate a bunch of ideas, things like that tends to help a lot. And this is. At least from what my dad tells me, attorneys on the call feel free to pipe up and say, this is junk. But yeah. It at least seems reasonable. Case management is one suggestion. Cuz there's just a lot of tracking deadlines and generating status updates. Document management is basically the same thing. Billing is the same thing. Yeah. A lot of these actually make a lot of sense. What was the third chunk? Yeah, so your third one was exactly where I was just thinking do. So the third one is, what kinds of products and services do my competitors offer and how do they compare to my services? Now, obviously that in fact actually it should say, yeah, as an AI language model, I don't have access to specific information about your competitors or your product slash service, but, you can, you could put in something I guess Eric is the, is there an example you could say of what you might hypothetically offer? So give it a little more context. If you go back to the the questions or the prompts I posted, if we go with the same like business idea the, with the total addressable market. And maybe that then follow up with the question of competitors. So what's the total addressable market for an automation company targeting SMEs in upstate New York? What services, I should say, are offered by those companies? We'll just say those is not clear enough by those service providers. Hopefully that'll be clear enough that I'm talking about the companies, not the SMEs the clients basically. All right. So yeah it still did the I don't actually have access to the internet, so I don't know, but some possible services are workflow automation, data management, customer relationship management, all that stuff. not a business major, but this sounds right, Eric. Yeah, I was just basically giving you a breakdown, but yeah but it's not doing the calculation, which is what you actually wanted. And that's I don't think we're gonna get there with chat bt you definitely won't get accurate. Accurate. You'll, you might get a number, but it's gonna be like 37 million. Yeah. But Exactly. But plugins, like you were talking about with access to software with that do have that data combined with like ideas and computer you can talk to is just like blowing my mind. What's gonna come. So that was the idea with these prompts. Got another minute or two left on this. I could see plugging in a couple of the other things that you had asked about, but is there another direction that you would be more interested to take this, Eric? No, that was pretty much it. Okay. Then I'm actually curious to plug in these two things here. So please give me some ideas for revenue models and please give me the cost structure of such a company and we'll see. We're not giving it a whole lot of clarity, but we'll see if it comes up with, yeah. Okay, cool. So subscription models, pay per use, commission, consulting, performance fees. These all make sense. They're pretty generic. Cost structure, again, these make sense to me, but I guess Eric sanity check as the at least more expert than I am. I'm not that much more of an expert, but it's, for the most part it sounds about right. It looks good. Cool. Yeah, it looks good and I'm coming from the startup world. I'm yeah that's what I know about building a business, but I don't know about this industry, okay. Cool. All right. Let's see. I'm gonna guess I know who this is. Is this Yulee? Yes, it is. I thought I recognized this prompt. Let me unmute you. Okay. This is an enormous prompt. So let's just open a new one. I'm going to paste this in, and as you can see, it is enormous. I'm not gonna read all of it. Yeah. Basically. Yeah. And this is a really cool idea. I interviewed Lee sometime this week for the podcast. What I did is I took the same strategy, but this one is for any type of business content. So what it does is it creates a series of questions for the business owner or the person with a product, idea, service, whatever, anyone who needs to generate content. And what it does is it creates a series of questions. They then give the answer, then it creates a prompt for them which they can then use to generate anything. But I just felt like it needed some tweaking because I don't know, I just think it's too long and maybe it has information that is unnecessary. So one thought is just 11 questions is a lot. At minimum, just asking them in groups of five or six would help, but. I wonder if the type of intelligence thing might be a little much, but I see what you're getting at. Okay. Let me throw a couple of examples in. One nice thing about meta prompting like this, and, sorry, let me back up. What Lee is doing here is crafting a prompt that will then generate a prompt that you can then run to generate the content. So that's called meta prompting. It's also called prompt generating prompts, but let's not go there. And basically the trick with this is you're trying to not only make sure the prompt that you get built is good, but then that the output of the prompt is good. So there's some iterative testing here. One nice thing though is you don't have to answer all its questions even though they are there. So I'm just gonna say I don't know, Lee what product or idea do you want to do and what target audience? And we'll just not answer the rest. Oh, just God, I don't know. Just say an educational game that teaches all of recorded human history and we'll do obviously that's gonna be school kids. We're just gonna leave it at that. Is there anything else that we should throw in here? Oh, yes, actually, number six. Somebody in the chat throw out a famous person. I don't really even care who, just a famous person so that we can say, talk in the style of, I don't know, Arnold Schwartzenegger or yeah, I don't know. Shakespeare. That's a good one. All right. Gonna be rhyming couplets of assuming I can spell Shakespeare right, whatever. It'll recognize it even if I did bangle it. All right. Ooh, it's still giving me those questions. Generate, anyway, let's see if it does it. All right. Great. So it's doing the keywords, it's not super pulling in anything Shakespeare related, although it is focusing on, Nope, actually it's not. Okay. Optimize your content. Okay. So then let's add in I can go here and replay sophistication going to be elementary school age. I don't actually know, so I'm not gonna answer that. Multiple intelligence. We're gonna say music and goal is, What is the goal of the educational game? Teach specific historical events or concepts or to encourage general knowledge about history. Let's go with general knowledge and let's see if we run that. Generate. Anyway, that's getting better. Okay. So it's it's still mostly just history, but there is music and history, making history come alive. That's, I thinks pretty much it though, in you here. It should give you your prompt. There it is. Okay. Okay, cool. So that's really what I wanted. I was eventually just gonna be like, all right don't bother giving me the the seo. Just give me the prompt. But it worked. Okay, so now let's run this and these seam speaking as a different kind of educator. These seem pretty good. Obviously age appropriate language is something you need, but incorporating music at sound effects since we said music is the way these kids learn. Talking about that interactivity is a good general thing. Visuals, that's interesting. It's it's repeating itself. Use visuals to enhance learning, make it visually appealing. In fact, actually, I think there was another visual thing too. It's weird because it's creating instructions for someone on how to put together not the content for their website where they have a game or a product, but it's creating things that they will need to create the product. Oh, I see what you're saying. Okay. So so is design prompt window here? Yeah. So let me tweak this and then I have an idea for how to do that. So instead of saying, can you help me create, just tell it, create content for the game that is user-centered, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Visuals is fine. Okay. And then it should also say, making it fun. Make sure that the content includes music and interactive learn learning. And then just to add a little spice on this I'm gonna say think step by step. I'm not sure if that's gonna help here, but I'm hoping. Nope. Didn't work. My hope was that telling it think step by step would get it out of the tell you the stuff to do and get it into the do the stuff did not work. So let's just try taking that out. I don't think it actually is gonna make a difference though. Think step by step is mostly a logic or math tool. Yeah. Okay. So still not doing it, it's still giving you instructions. So one more tweak here and then I wanna go back to the prompt. Yeah, it's okay. Super involved if you wanted to move on to someone else's, because if you, cuz what I, when I did this the first time and I went through the step by step because I was answering each question one at a time, it was then giving me the kind of content I needed, but I just thought there's gotta be an easier or simpler way to do this. Yeah. I think part of the problem here is whether or not it's intentionally doing this. I think this is probably too too, lemme say this a different way. It's too much content that is it you're asking it to generate because this isn't, one sentence bullet point questions. At least that's not the way it's reacting. It's reacting of oh, you want an entire lesson. And so I think if we maybe try. Oh yes. Sarah. Hang on, let me paste that prompt in here. Yep, there you go. So maybe if we rerun this yet again and say basically I want to give it Yeah. Create the content of the game. 20 questions. Okay. So least confusing. We're confusing something here because this is for this would be for someone who already created the game and they just need the content for the website. The content then promotes it. So this is supposed to be general use for anyone with website content. Got it. Okay. So this isn't yeah. So we're instructing it to, yeah. So I don't need it to, it's too it, but what it does is it generates, 10 questions, you answer 'em one at a time and then it creates a problem. And now you run that prompt and you get all of your website content for anything. It's general use, but I just, yeah. So I can definitely say right here, that's part of the challenge cuz create the perfect content for their project. Yeah. Just thinking in terms of English structure, that's the project's content, not the project's marketing content. Oh, I doubt this tweak is gonna make the difference, but let's just try it really quick. Okay. Yeah, go. So all I'm doing is changing it to create the marketing for the project, and now it's gonna ask all the same questions again. Of course. So lemme just go back, where did I have those so I don't have to retype a whole bunch of stuff? Yeah. Because I wanted it to be relevant, to anyone who has website content, general use. All right. So it's generating the seo. And then can you ah, yeah. Can you help me create engaging and fun content to market my educational game for school kids that teaches all of recorded history? Awesome. Okay. Let's go run that in another window. By the way, this is something that came up on the last mastermind, but you don't want to run you don't wanna run this prompt in the same discussion, number one, because it's going to confuse your prompt generator. But number two, because it's going to have a bunch of context that it's not supposed to. The whole point is you want to run this in a brand new, excuse me, environment, so that it doesn't have any of the other context to make sure this prompt works on its own. Well, it's certainly getting closer now. It's not doing lesson plan kind of stuff. It's doing social media content and, choose a writing style, determine the best format of blog versus video versus email, and here are specific kinds of content. So I think probably to do this, in a single prompt obviously is challenging, but if you were gonna do that, probably the nuance would be giving it more output constraint in terms of not just for this prompt over here, but that this prompt should be asking for a specific to generate a specific number of pieces of content. Give me 10 Facebook posts, give me 20 tweets, give me five ideas for YouTube videos, whatever. But that might be the thing to try and get this to be a little more concrete and a little less generic. Lemme just throw that in really quick here just to see generate 10 Facebook posts and 10 ideas for YouTube videos. That's the only tweak I'm making. Yeah. So Lee, I think this is really what you were looking for, right? Yeah. That's a lot better. Okay, going back to the prompt generating prompt way up at the top, and yes, that is the 10 minutes. I'm gonna do another minute or two on this and then we will wrap up. Let me see. All right, so copy this, make a new window, run it again and Okay. Generate the perfect prompt to create. In fact, actually I think it might work if I just put it right here. So generate the perfect prompt for them to use on chat PT to create 10 Facebook posts and 10 YouTube videos with the perfect content for blah, blah. And then we'll just throw in the same answers before please generate and Nope. Doesn't really want to do it. Generate anyway. Wow. Yes, it worked. Okay, so it is outputting a table. Yeah. Of, I don't entirely understand. Oh, this is basically the feedback prompt matrix. Interesting. This is basically the summary of the 11 questions, which we didn't really answer. So it's just made up stuff, which is kind of cool and kind of weird. And then here's a long set of SEO keywords, and then there are the Facebook prompts, sorry, posts bring history to life with our new educational game. Perfect for school, kids of all ages. Teach history in a whole new way with our innovative educational software and the YouTube videos and yeah. Okay. I think that got to where you wanted, is that right? Yeah. Yeah. You could either do it that way or just instead of social media, just replace that with generate website content. But now I see that you have to be very, you can't just say content. Yeah, you have to be specific. I don't think even generate website content would work because website content could be your about page or it could be your sales page, or it could be your FAQs unless you're asking it to format it first, maybe. Okay, got it. Yeah, you'd need a little more clarity around the output. Again, output constraint, that's a specific phrase. I specifically want these pieces of content. Plus also, I would guess either one or two pages of the website content would be the limit that chat G p t would be able to, to output. You see how long this is. I would expect most websites in this marketing context would be, yeah, like almost that length or maybe two. Yeah. Screens could be. So you'd really want to be like one, you could write something. In fact, actually just for the heck of it, I'm gonna try writing this. You could do something where it would be like, generate all the content and then offer me pages to generate. Okay. From perfect content perfect website site content for marketing their project. That should be five pages landing page, FAQs concerns. And I don't know what it's gonna come up with for that. And actually, given that we're running short on time, I'm just gonna say it's those three pages. And please output each page, pages content, go, and it's gonna ask the same questions. As always, please generate now. Go. Oh, yeah, there we go. It's doing it. Okay, now it's throwing out the oh, interesting. Okay. Yeah, it's not quite doing it. It's, it did give the prompt and then it started in with, here are my best guesses for what the pages should be. And the prompt did not keep the content context that I want you to generate pages for a website. Yeah. It's close, it's website content, but it's not specific enough. So I bet if I run this over here, it is probably gonna return some much more generic, actually, this isn't bad. Yeah. Okay. This is it's not doing the, here's the F FAQ page and the sales page and the whatever page is. But, welcome to our revolutionary new educational game. We're learning history becomes an exciting adventure filled with puzzles, quizzes, and interactive features. And then it's going on to talk about, learn about significant hor historical figures. And what are you waiting for? Join us. Yeah. It's very markety copy, but it is, it's copy, but it works, but it's fast. Yeah. Cool. Okay. Okay. All give you some good ideas. Thank you. Appreciate your help on that. You're welcome. Awesome. Okay let's see. If this has been helpful for you subscribe on YouTube like it, five stars, that's podcast anyway, like subscribes five stars, all that stuff, you know, the jam. That would be super helpful I'm gonna keep doing these masterminds cause I love them and I have a lot of fun. I'm gonna produce a course cuz I've already given a talk on it in San Diego. Thank you all so much for coming. And the link is feedback, suggestions, whatever would make this better for you. I would love to hear, cause that's the whole reason I'm doing it. And let's see. Oh, questions in the chat. You are welcome Amanda. Can you ask chat g b t to generate something simple like a recipe for you as an exercise? Totally. And would the course be on Udemy? Probably. I know there's a million courses on Udemy. I don't necessarily know if that's the best way. If people are like, don't go there, go to my spiffy course.com. I don't know. Let me know in the chatter, in the feedback form. Let's see. So recipe I have what do I have actually at the moment? I have sweet potatoes and frozen chicken breasts and guacamole. What is a recipe I could make and how long will it take? Actually, just to illustrate, I'm gonna run this also in chat, g p T four, because it usually gets way better results. It's just yeah I, sorry, I don't remember who was asking, but yeah, I'm capped at 25 messages every hour, so we would've long exceeded that. Interestingly though, it is giving me pretty much the exact same results in this case. I guess it's a pretty constrained set of ingredients. If you wanna throw something in the chat of a list of things to put in, go for it. Interesting though, it's giving me different instructions. 400 degrees here, 4 25 there, 20 to 25 minutes. In both cases looks like the ingredients are the same, though. They are the same, but they're, no, they're not the same and they're in different order. That's hilarious. So this is an example of the temperature setting, which admittedly we can't change in this interface, but in other interfaces you can actually change the temperature to make it more creative or less creative. And That's actually, if you wanna know more about that, go to the podcast cause we just covered that in the Quest g p t episode. But you can't play with that in here. You can play with it in a more technical interface called the Playground. Oh, and I see a chat message specify not to be longer than X Minutes. Sure. What's a recipe I could make that takes less than I was already saying 20 minutes. So I guess, let me say 15 minutes. I don't actually know if that would work with a frozen chicken, but maybe it's smart enough to try throwing it in the microwave. Oh yeah. Sorry. This error is because it is generating in this window, I have to wait until the other window is finished. Chachi PT and OpenAI are aware of that really should have started with the 3 51 cuz it's so much faster. Sorry about that. Yeah, it's pretty, ah, okay. So it since I said 15 minutes, it just said you should start with two thaw chicken breasts and I specified they were frozen, so that's an interesting hack, air quotes, but whatever, it's at least at least trying to give me something. Okay. Now regenerate and, oh, interesting. The three five is giving me a very different answer. It's saying avocado and tomato salad, whereas four was suggesting the chicken and guacamole wrap, which actually now that I think about it, didn't I specify they were frozen chicken breasts? Okay, good. Yeah. Thought it was saying something different here. Cool. All right oh, apologies. Looks like I'm a minute over, but I hope everybody got a lot out of this. It is super fun for me to do All right everybody, thank you so much and hope you have an awesome rest of your week. Talk to you soon and see you on the podcast, hear you on the podcast, and see you on YouTube. Whatever. Bye everybody.